Since 2011 we have distributed Local Safety Shoes, KINGS, AETOS, BATA, CHEETAH, CATERPILLAR, KRISBOW, KRUSHERS, RED WING, SAFETY JOGGER, UNICORN, DR OSHA, PENGUIN and various other brands. Also distributor of safety equipment, safety wear and fire extinguishers (APAR). Trusted by more than 100 SOE clients, private companies & government agencies in Indonesia.
In addition we are a provider of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) solutions: safety shoes, safety helmets, fall protectors, head protectors, work uniforms, raincoats, various safety equipment, sanitation, digital meters, material handling and various industrial equipment.
Safety Shoes (Safety Shoes) is one of the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) that must be worn by someone when working to avoid the risk of accidents. Not just to protect the body parts of workers at the risk of accidents, but by wearing Safety shoes workers will be more free to move to increase the effectiveness and expected production results.
Safety shoes with a casual look will help you to get through each of your days with full specifications as below:
Midori Safety Shoes from Japan,
Lightweight and stylist safety shoes.
TS 115 available in White
Available sizes: 40 41 & 42
Midori shoes with the above specifications are shoes made in Japan, designed and very light stylist and for this type available in white with a choice of sizes 40.41 and 42.